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The holiday season can be a difficult time for many people, especially in 2020. As a community bank, our goal is to help lift-up the areas we serve and last year was no different; here are a few instances of our teams and our customers giving back for the holidays.
Greater Cleveland Habitat for HumanityFor the holiday employee giving experience, Bethany and Brian worked with Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity to create an online Amazon Wish list that anyone could log on to and purchase an item for the tool drive. We were able to donate four complete toolboxes for new Habitat for Humanity homeowners in 2021.
Dublin Food PantryThe Columbus team collected items for donation to the local Dublin Food Pantry. They distributed a list of the requested items and got busy gathering what they could. We are proud to say that they donated approximately 40 lbs. worth of food and $100.00 in cash donations to the Dublin Food Pantry.
Hope and Healing Survivor Resource CenterThe Brunswick branch team and customers were able to collect donations that will help keep the center running. They collected cleaning supplies, bedding/pillows, diapers/formula, and clothing, among other supplies for the clients who come to them for help.
Lakewood Community Services CenterLakewood Community Services Center (LCSC) provides basic need assistance and personalized resource and referral services, thereby empowering each individual to move toward greater self-sufficiency. The Commercial Loan Administration team collected and donated over 20 bags and boxes of food and personal care items and direct monetary donations to the organization.
Fairview Schools Adopt-A-Family ProgramThe Fairview Park Branch hosted a holiday drive to adopt two families from the Fairview Park School system and not only provided boxes and boxes of food and toiletry items; they also provided gifts and gift cards to provide a complete holiday experience.
Safe Harbor Animal RescueSafe Harbor Animal Rescue is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to giving dogs a second change at a happy life. They specialize in the rescue of the Shiba Inu breed, but also rescue other breeds as well. The dogs they take in come from shelters, puppy mills and owner surrenders. Lauren and her family also assist the shelter by acting as a foster home for some of these dogs until they can be adopted out in to a permanent home. Here are some of the items donated and the cutest recipients ever!!
Lakewood High School Community DriveLakewood High School and the student body host an annual food and toiletry drive each year for those in need in the Lakewood community. The event is a student run project that gathers items that are daily necessities and in need more than ever due to the pandemic. Alysia teamed up with her niece and nephew and helped collect $150.00 in paper products, can goods, soap products, and hygiene products to the group.
Fostering Hope’s Journey Bag ProgramFostering Hope was established to raise awareness and provide support and guidance in areas frequently lacking for children in the foster care setting. Often, children in foster care use trash bags to move their belongings from placement to placement. The Journey Bag program gives these children luggage filled with comforting items and necessary essentials. The Accounting department donated over $250 worth of money and goods to Fostering Hope’s Journey Bag program.
North Olmsted and Westlake Food PantriesThe North Olmsted branch hosted a food and toiletry drive to help the North Olmsted Food Pantry. They collected so many items that the overrun of donations was shared with the Westlake Food Pantry.Thank you to all of our team members and customers who helped us give back during the holiday season!